It is being animation directed by Mike Roush, casting and voice directed by Andrea Romano, art directed by Antonio Canobbio, produced by Ben Kalina, Shannon Barrett Prynoski and Jennifer Ray, and executive produced by Chris Prynoski and Jack Thomas. Set five months after the events of the film, the series follows Turbo and his crew to Starlight City, where they master new stunts and compete with villains. The third and final season was released on Netflix on February 5, 2016. Season 2 was released on Netflix on July 31, 2015. Each episode consists of two 11-minutes segments, except for few double-length episodes. The first five episodes of the first 26-episode season were released on December 24, 2013, with subsequent batches of five to six episodes following around holidays throughout 2014. It is the first Netflix original series for children, and the first DreamWorks Animation series produced for Netflix. Produced by DreamWorks Animation Television and animated by Titmouse, it is being exclusively released on Netflix in United States and in the 40 countries where Netflix offers its services at the time, but it became available worldwide via Netflix over time. Turbo Fast is an American flash-animated web television series based on the 2013 computer-animated film Turbo.